Sunday, August 31, 2008

RSS Feeds and newsreaders

Wow, I was very apprehensive about this exercise but now that I have had it all explained to me I can't wait until I get home and find all the interesting sites I have saved onto my Favourites or in My Computer as I didn't know how else to save them for further use.

This makes it so easy to go straight to those favourite updated sites that you constantly visit without all the other buttons and "hooha" you have to go through - without any guarantee of ever getting there anyway.

Thankyou - thankyou - thankyou - you have saved me and I am sure everyone else who is doing this programme, hours of frustration by adding this as one of our Exercises

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

That is the sort of comment we love to see! Glad you like it - you should also like that is in Exercise #8. It is just perfect for saving favourite websites.