Sunday, September 28, 2008


From 12th August until today. Wow - what an amazing learning programme you ladies on the team have created for us.

I was so apprehensive about the whole programme, it took me until August to even have a go at the first exercise. Now I can't wait to get home and get onto my favourite sites so I can expand on what I did in the exercises.

I loved RSS Feeds and newsreaders, Sandbox Wiki, Rollyo, Zoho writer, Youtube and Podcasts. I will definately use these sites in the future for all sorts of things. The other sites I may return to at some future time, but it is great just knowing that they are out there to use.

When I see some of the things we learned in the exercises on my home computer I now have more courage to try them - without thinking that the computer will blow up!!!!

A huge "THANKYOU" for keeping on our backs and making us feel like losers if we didn't complete the programme in time - NAH!! not really - it was our choice too - and your encouragement - which make us "ACHIEVERS"

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Congratulations on your great achievement! What a journey you had - from apprehensive to confident and enthusiastic. It was lovely reading your positive posts and it seems like you had fun discovering the things in the programme.